

The UQU Women’s Collective is an autonomous group on the University of Queensland campus. Non-affiliated with any political party, external organisation or values-driven belief, we are made up of people on the UQ campus passionate about feminism and gender equality, and critical of the patriarchy. Wom*news is the UQU Women’s Collective online site. 

On this site you will find the latest news from the UQU Women’s Collective (including a gallery below of all our happenings), our latest blog posts and issues of the Zine, a timeline of our upcoming events, resources and more! 

Upcoming Events

Orientation Week (O’Week) Market Day

On Tuesday February 24, the University of Queensland (St Lucia campus) will be hosting its biannual Orientation Week Market Day. The UQU Women’s Collective will be hosting a stall with free giveaways, UQU Women’s Collective t-shirts for sale (for only $5!), full calendars of our 2016 events and you can even get a guided tour to the new Women’s Room!

International Women’s Day

On Tuesday March 8, the UQU will be hosting our annual International Women’s Day Breakfast. This ticketed event, held at the St Lucia campus, will feature a buffet breakfast, phenomenal guest speakers and a morning of inspiration. Tickets will go on sale shortly.

For more information on our events, visit the designated ‘Events’ page.